Sunday, September 30, 2012

The story of my life.....

No, no...I'm not typing up the story of my life.  That's just what I thought when I realized I'd started a blog with the intention of updating every day, and it's been three weeks.  If there's one thing I'm good at, it's starting something and not following through. 

It's not procrastination, because I start, I just don't finish.  This sorry state permeates my life.  My house is full of unfinished projects.  There are sewing projects without hems, looms warped with weaving I started two years or more ago, I have a story I'm writing that I haven't updated in six months.  Worse, I think my husband is the same.  We tore up some ceiling downstairs seven years still isn't replaced.  There's no baseboard in my bathroom and my kitchen.  My son's bathroom has spackle on a wall where there was a repair.  Not a sanded, finished, with a new paint job.  Just spackle.  It's been there almost three years.

There's procrastination too of course.  There are more sewing projects not started than half finished.  We had all our windows replaced in January and our old mini-blinds don't fit them.  It's September 30 and there's still a piece of fabric thumb tacked over the window instead of a curtain because I haven't made it yet.  I know what it's going to be; white, linen, tab-topped and simple.  But the linen sits untouched in my closet.  In my defense, I did buy a curtain rod a month ago. 

My house is a mess.  The parts people see are messy.  Really, really, messy.  But not "dirty" or unsanitary.  People wouldn't refuse to eat what I cook due to the state of my kitchen...but they might have problems finding a chair to sit on.  The master bed and bathrooms...not so sanitary.  I've considered writing a date in my own dust!  The carpet hasn't been vacuumed in a long time, because there's usually clothes in the way and God only knows what's growing in my shower.  Yeah...icky.  But it's my dirt, so I guess I don't care.

I'd like to be one of those people who have their life in order.  I'd like to be organized and neat.  I'd like to have the carpets vacuumed once a week and the sinks shining.  I really would.  So why don't I?

I don't know the answer to that question. 

Maybe I'll go clean.

Or sew.

Oh, look...there's something on TV I care nothing about!  Yeah...sloth is definitely my sin.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Not quite my 49th birthday

On Thursday, September 6, I turned 49 years old.  The day before I had a nasty day at work and the resulting insomnia caused me to consider documenting my impending 49th year of life.  Of course, I'm actually beginning this on Sunday, September 9...late, as is a norm for me.  I don't actually expect anyone to read this, so I may take this blog as a way to vent...or to be introspective...or to simply ramble.  Time will tell.

An introduction.

I was born in Mt. Shasta, California on September 6, 1963, the youngest of two.  I have a brother, older by 4 years.  My parents were older.  For the time, just plain old.  My Father was born in 1911, making him 52 when I arrived.  My Mother was born in 1927...yes, 16 years his junior, and 36 when I was born.  This meant I spent a number of years being asked if they were my grandparents.  It also means I lost them when I was still pretty young, in my 20's.  At this time I've been without them much longer than with them...I still miss them both every day.

But that's depressing.  My life, despite that early loss, has turned out pretty good.  I have a wonderful husband of 12 years and a wonderful...if trying...17 year old son from my 1st marriage (which I might go on about later).  I have a job of 18 years which is a tad iffy right now, but I like it, I'm good at it damn it and I don't want to do anything else...possibly more on that later.

So, who am I?  I'm a wife, a mother, an administrative judge.  I like to cook, I hate to clean, I have bigger dreams than I have money or ability to make them happen.  I'm a little nerdy, a little ocd, a little bitchy and a lot fat.  I'm a of my worst traits and the one that's made my job iffy.  I'm 362 days from 50 years old.

I'm Alice.  Pleased to meet you.